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How do we navigate the shifting landscapes of the 21st century, whether physical, virtual, or ethical?

Members Public

What maps do we have to guide us right now?

“There has never been a period in history where the majority of people didn’t look dumb in hindsight.” Morgan Housel
Members Public

Let’s Talk About Curation

Curation. Turn the word over in your mind. What do you picture? Is it a museum collection, complete with aged artifacts, visually arresting diorama, and the eager narration of an expert historian? Perhaps it’s a library, books stacked high, the smell of aging ink and paper, and a sage
Members Public

How do we plan when planning seems impossible?

We don't know what tomorrow will look like - any more than we ever did. So we make imperfect decisions, just as we always have. We move forward with our plans, modifying as we go, just as we always have.
Members Public

Really Sane, Sobering Perspective on COVID-19

I hesitated to contribute one more post amidst the barrage of Coronavirus information that surrounds us. But this talk by Alanna Shaikh [], a global health systems expert [], is refreshing, realistic - and useful. Hit play. Really. March 11, 2020Alanna Shaikh (@alanna_shaikh) | TwitterDe
Members Public

The Temple of Knowledge

Ronald Clark’s father was the custodian of a branch of the New York Public Library at a time when caretakers, along with their families, lived in the buildings. He remembers literally growing up in a library, creeping down to the stacks in the middle of the night when curiosity gripped him.