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"Every man can, if he so desires, become the sculptor of his own brain" - Santiago Ramon y Cajal

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Adam Grant on The Surprising Habits of Original Thinkers

I'm a writer and a builder - and frequent procrastinator. Quick to jump in with a sketch or a couple of key ideas, and even a launch. But a lot slower to let things percolate and evolve. And quick to revise, throw stuff out, question why I ever
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"The Mind at 3 Miles an Hour"

Where are you walking? And with whom?
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What Is Real? The Neuroscience of Perception

You could say that we're all hallucinating all the time and when we agree on our hallucinations, that's what we call reality. - Anil Seth
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The Innovation Journey: A Conversation with Lucie Howell

'If we're going to share these ideas and stories, we need to recognize that it is important to tell the truth. We need to recognize that nuance matters, and the kids are smart enough to understand nuance."
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Hallucinations, Reality and How We Learn

"You could say that we’re all hallucinating all the time and when we agree on our hallucinations, that’s what we call reality." - Anil Seth
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There's No Such Thing as "By the Book"

"I am the sum total of each one of the women I have played. That they were able to survive the times, and the way in which they did it, made me a stronger person and allowed me to truly believe that all things are possible." Cecily Tyson
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Too much food. Not enough food.

“It looked like prairie dogs out there, with all the people standing on top of their trucks, trying to get an eagle-eye view of the line to see how much longer they had to wait.” Brian Billeck