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It's all connected, right?

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What Is Real? The Neuroscience of Perception

You could say that we're all hallucinating all the time and when we agree on our hallucinations, that's what we call reality. - Anil Seth
Members Public

The Innovation Journey: A Conversation with Lucie Howell

'If we're going to share these ideas and stories, we need to recognize that it is important to tell the truth. We need to recognize that nuance matters, and the kids are smart enough to understand nuance."
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Navigating Our Imminent Future: A Conversation With Mike Kuniavsky

"I want to see the positive side of it, and I want to see where we really can give people superpowers—but with the knowledge that significant challenges happen with every single innovation."
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Hallucinations, Reality and How We Learn

"You could say that we’re all hallucinating all the time and when we agree on our hallucinations, that’s what we call reality." - Anil Seth
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There's No Such Thing as "By the Book"

"I am the sum total of each one of the women I have played. That they were able to survive the times, and the way in which they did it, made me a stronger person and allowed me to truly believe that all things are possible." Cecily Tyson
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What maps do we have to guide us right now?

“There has never been a period in history where the majority of people didn’t look dumb in hindsight.” Morgan Housel
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Really Sane, Sobering Perspective on COVID-19

I hesitated to contribute one more post amidst the barrage of Coronavirus information that surrounds us. But this talk by Alanna Shaikh [], a global health systems expert [], is refreshing, realistic - and useful. Hit play. Really. March 11, 2020Alanna Shaikh (@alanna_shaikh) | TwitterDe